How Gewoon Chiropractie and Move Sports Massage work hand in hand!
Duos often create more exciting outcomes. Lewis and Clark, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, and even Batman and Robin functioned more efficiently together than apart. Complementary pairings propel results and enhance efforts
This is decidedly true with massage therapy and chiropractic care. While each offer considerable benefits on their own, they often mesh well with each other to create a comprehensive treatment plan for many conditions or injuries.
So, sit back and let us show you how massage therapy and chiropractic care are a pain-fighting, mobility-enhancing dynamic duo.

Enhances Chiropractic Care
Massage enables a more effective chiropractic visit. Therapeutic massage warms up muscles and relaxes the individual's entire body, enabling the chiropractor to maximize his or her chiropractic adjustment for optimal results.
Massage brings about a more stable adjustment. When a chiropractor performs an adjustment to alleviate pain or increase mobility, pre or post massage couples with it to increase the body's acceptance of the adjustment.
Chiropractic care takes massage therapy's efforts further, including the joints and bones. Each treatment offers strong relief and recovery to certain areas of the body. Massage produces relaxation in muscles, relieving tension and toxins. Chiropractic care picks up where massage leaves off and extends the treatment efforts to the body's tendons, joints, bones and, ultimately, the nervous system.
The combination of both works on the body as a whole. Both treatments focus on broad rejuvenation and healing techniques for full body health. In a variety of instances, chiropractic care shows significant increases in treating the overall root of the problem when used in combination with massage therapy.
It's all in your head.
Whoever said it's all in your head wasn't entirely wrong. Individuals sometimes feel stress, dread, or worry over health procedures in general, and chiropractic treatment is no different. Massage therapy serves to relax and de-stress a person, preparing them to go into chiropractic treatments less stressed or tightly wound. A relaxed person's body tends to respond better to treatment.
Offers shorter recovery times.
Blending both treatments into one builds an all-encompassing regimen that works on the condition or injury from multiple points. Tackling health issues this way reduces the time is takes to heal and regain the body's full mobility.
Decreases discomfort.
Massage therapy aids in warming up muscles, readying them for chiropractic adjustments. This experience is similar to stretching thoroughly before exercising. Pliant muscles offer less resistance to a chiropractor's regimen, resulting in greater patient comfort. This benefits the entire process, as a painless, comfortable visit increases a person's openness and commitment to future therapeutic endeavors.
Provides longer lasting results.
A relaxed body is more open to treatment. Both massage therapy and chiropractic care serve to attain the goal of healing and recovery, and pain minimization or management. Achieving a synergistic effect is possible when both treatments are employed simultaneously. Chiropractic care is known to work deeper and last longer when paired with massage therapy, especially with chronic, painful health issues.
Patients who seek help with bodily conditions or injuries benefit and see results from massage therapy or chiropractic care separately. Both forms of therapeutic relief used together may create an even more significant, longer last result. Chiropractic care and massage therapy complement each other and offer positive benefits to a variety of painful health issues.
Gewoon Chiropractie is conveniently located just on the border of Den Haag and Scheveningen and is 20 minutes away from Den Haag Centraal train station by Tram 1.
Give us a call! 070 204 41 34
Move Sports Massage is available by appointment inside the clinic by appointment!
For More Information or to Book your 1st Appointment Click Here!